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What is the YouTube problem and why?

What is the goal?

Leverage the algorithms in our favor.

How can we do that better?

With multiple video platforms (All content on both YouTube and Vimeo), we are displacing organic views. So, let's pick one, point all the traffic to it and be better prepared to get lucky. YouTube.

Next Steps

For all of the web traffic, serve video content from YouTube.

What are the hangups

Google developer keys (YouTube) allows between a few hundred to several thousand requests per day, which is generally one order of magnitude below the threshold of traffic for the current site.

If we hit the API with our Google developer key, there could easily be times at the end of the 24-hour term when the requests are denied and parts pages breaks.

A solution

Rock has a plugin that fetches all the videos from a channel (not playlist) and shovels them into a media/library to be called on from content channels. It cost $350. The error is that this solution is too blunt. All vides on a channel?! We need a more granular solution.

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