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Strategic Offering

Branding Basics

The toughest part about an offering is the accountability that comes with it. It takes a ton of courage. You have to lean into your strengths.

But* with the power of iteration (both early and often) comes the ability to pivot; to see change and act accordingly.

Through the process, the following questions become easier to answer + the value added is increased in non-leaniar proportions.


What is our brand's strategic offering?

Who are others in the space offering?

What are we the FIRST of?

What are we the BEST in?

What catagory are we the ONLY player?

In what ways are we hoping to differentiate ourselves from others?

In what ways are we hoping to align with others?

What design choices have are competitors made?

What are all of the design choices at play?

How do these brand desicions corelate to our design decisions?

How can we make this easy for our community?

Next Steps

Where to start? How to do this work? Where to start? Let's start at the begging and do one thing at a time really well.

Deep Dive

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Jack Trout

The Law of Category states, instead of competing to be the best in a crowded category, be the only in a new category. AKA Blue Ocean Strategy

Explore and learn. Released under the MIT License.