User Stories
This section outlines the user stories for the project. Each story defines a feature or functionality from the end user's perspective, including acceptance criteria, priority, and any dependencies. It is a great tactic to insure the work is actually useful. Put another way, when working from user stories, it awards a kind of distiliation approach that will prioritize the actual value delivered to the user/customers from the booty prizes that award very little value.
Here is an example of a user story
Story 1: User Login
As a user
I want to log in to the system
So that I can access my dashboard and manage my profile.
Acceptance Criteria:
- User can log in using valid credentials (email and password).
- An error message is displayed for invalid login attempts.
- The user remains logged in across sessions (until they log out manually).
- High
- User authentication service must be available.
- UI components for login and error messages.
- Consider implementing "Remember Me" functionality for persistent login.
Informative UI/UX
With user stories and the documentation of, it is much easier to see when a feature has already been built before. It happens all too often the same user story is expressed in different paths. This will help teams locate problems in the UI/UX as the users aren't getting what they are hoping for and the user story has presented itself again. 2 of the same User Stories => UI/UX redisign.