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Marketing and Copywriting Frameworks


Learning different marketing and copywriting Frameworks serves several crucial purposes:

  1. Enhanced Communication: Different approaches offer unique perspectives and methodologies to effectively communicate with our audience and across the entirety of the organization.

  2. Targeting Specific Audiences: Different Frameworks cater to campaigns, audience demographics, psychographics, and behavioral patterns, allowing us to tailor our message more effectively.

  3. Improved Conversion Rates: By intentionally articulating different frameworks we can monitor what is working to what degree for who and at what cost.

Frameworks a-la-Carte


It is very easy to get wrapped up in the event or the actual product (think book or record) so much so that when you turn to the communicating/sharing of the content you simply "post about it". Then, once you have "posted about it", it kind of doesn't make sense to keep "posting about it" becuase your audience will lose interest. The momentMomentum strategy helps you frame the single product (think book or record) in different ways through time. momentMomentum keeps the content freshly framed, drives your product home with clarity, and tells an engaging story in the process. Storytelling is always a win! It also is a great solution when you are posting on behalf of a brand/content creator/group and you need to communicate to the the expectation of the number of posts and the framing they should deliver in the content that makes sense for the Pre/Prime/Live/ICYMI post types of the momentMomentum framework.

StoryBrand Framework

The StoryBrand Framework emphasizes making the customer the hero of the story. It guides marketers to position their offerings as the guide through the customer's journey, ultimately aiming for clarity in messaging. This is a good framework to start with. The StoryBrand framework works well for campaign-based projects.

Content Pyramid

The Content Pyramid model is a utilitarian way to organize and prioritize content from the top down. It typically consists of three layers: foundational long-form content, the repurposed short form of the foundational layer, and finaly micro content repurposed from the short form content. The Content Pyramid model helps tie together both the planning phase and distribution phase of content marketing and allocating resources.

PAS Formula

The PAS Formula (Problem, Agitation, Solution) is particularly useful for addressing customer pain points and offering solutions. It acknowledges the customer's problem, intensifies their agitation, and presents a clear solution, making it highly effective for sales pages, landing pages, and ad copy. If we are moving from the cusumtion side of content (most people) to the creation side of content.


As we delve into the discussion of each approach, consider how it aligns with our brand's values, target audience, and marketing objectives. Through exploration and experimentation, we can discover which frameworks resonate best with our brand identity and contribute to our overall marketing success as we find product-market fit.


Most if not all of the marketing techniques can be used in tandom with these broader strategies. This is where the brand generates non-linear growth relative to others in the market.


Do you have a framework that works? Do share!

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