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Development Server Onboarding

These docs is all about the Development Server. This guide will help you get started with the development server and provide details on how to refresh the environment, access credentials, understand the tradeoffs involved in using the development sandbox, and who to connect with for help.

Development Environment Overview

  • Sandbox: The dev environment is isolated and used for development purposes.
  • Unique Database: The database in the dev environment is not connected to production and is isolated.
  • Azure: The environment is hosted in a separate Azure resource group.


  • About: Details on the development environment, its purpose, and how it fits into the larger infrastructure.
  • Credentials: Instructions for accessing credentials securely.
  • Refresh: How to refresh the development environment with production data and the process to request a refresh.

For detailed instructions on specific tasks, please refer to the corresponding markdown file.

Explore and learn. Released under the MIT License.